Introducing the all new GPv3
Gamers Paradise third generation game center concept, GPv3, makes its debut on the official website by showcasing the latest designs.
The GPv3 concept contains the new design direction and main feature set for the upcoming next generation game centers from Gamers Paradise. The interior design is again mastered by the renowned architect Abelardo Gonzalez who won the Best Interior Design Award for his original design on the very first Gamers Paradise game center back in 2004.
The backbone of the GPv3 concept is the proprietary and highly advanced Gamers Paradise system platform which delivers the necessary technology to fully automate and almost completely eliminate all of the continuous manual administrative tasks involved in running game centers.
The main addition to the GPv3 concept is the Battle Arena which has become the center stage of each game center. From the Battle Arena all of the major e-sports events are broadcasted on several large stadium screens allowing spectators to follow the events live as the action is played out.
For remote spectators the events are available as live feeds with streaming quality adapted for both desktops and cellular devices. All events are archived for online viewing which gives everyone the chance to improve their skills by studying and analyzing not only their own but also their opponent’s moves. This gives everyone an equal chance to become better gamers.
For all of this to work smoothly the GPv3 concept introduces a fully automated tournament system complete with handicapping, matchmaking, refereeing and scorekeeping. This allows for gamers to compete in e-sports tournaments using a extremely secure and cheat-free environment while ensuring events are undisputed.
Fueled by corporate sponsors from the game industry including Intel, NVIDIA, and Samsung, the e-sports community is thriving. The GPv3 concept is a direct result of the current market development combined with feedback made available from specialized focus groups compiled of experienced gamers.
It’s the community and e-sport elements of game centers that are most often cited as the primary reasons for continuously luring in gamers from their home environments. Game centers are ideal venues for gamers to interact with friends, meet new people with similar interests and there through expand their social network.
Please stay tuned as we release more news and information about the all new GPv3 concept.

Curious about Bitcoin?
Have a look at our five minute promotional video that we had produced for us a few years ago. Even though this video has since retired, it’s still a great way to see what the Gamers Paradise concept is all about. This is especially true if you haven’t yourself visited one of our game centers and experienced our unique concept with your own eyes.
Throughout the years the Gamers Paradise concept has won several honors and awards including Best Interior Design Award. The design was provided by renowned architect
Abelardo Gonzelez and the award was declared by the Scandinavian architecture and design publication
Form Magazine.
Gamers Paradise [in Malmö Sweden] is a logistics dream: the arcade has 120 computer screens and is open 24 hours a day, yet can be run by just one person. MASTERFUL!Lars Åberg | Journalist and Writer